Start Here

*(here’s a bit of a mission statement—skip to the end if you’re just looking for biographical information)*

I can imagine that if someone were to poke around here at random, they might be confused at a seeming lack of focus. What is this, anyway: a blog about writing? a humor site? a book review page?

We’ve become so used to an internet of brands, from big, fancy brands with their logos to social media influencers with their niches and make-up signatures.

I, however, am most decidedly *not* a brand. Brands are limited in ways that people aren’t. Branding requires a consistency that is anathema to the contradictions that make humans interesting.

Please don’t take this as me bashing brands, or people who market themselves *as* their brand. I am speaking strictly of myself when I say that *I am not a brand.*

As a person, and not a brand, I’m not limited to things that cultivate a specific image, with a goal of selling specific products to a specific audience. I am going to fully indulge in all of my scattershot and eclectic impulses!

So, in a way, this is a throwback to the simpler days of early internet, when blogs weren’t so polished (and were sometimes flat out called journals *cough*livejournal*cough*).

Why am I putting it online? Because I am a writer, and I connect with people through my writing. The internet allows us to connect with each other. The math is simple!

I hope that the things I put here will entertain and amuse you. I hope you find something here that’s useful to you. I hope that you find something that you can relate to, especially if it clicks with some part of you that you have trouble finding other people who feel the same way about.

So, yes, feel free to hop around the tags, or to read sequentially, or at random. Use this site as you wish (though don’t plagiarize it, of course, because why would you want someone else’s voice speaking over your own?).

And if you do feel a connection, feel free to respond or open up a dialogue either by leaving a comment or shooting me an email by clicking here.

If you’re just looking for a little bit of biographical information, here you go:

Autumn Guest is a professional literary critic with fancy-pants writing degrees and who has led writing workshops (under a different name), and who has published some stories (under yet another name). She likes reading and writing (children’s and adult) horror, humor, and crazy genre stuff; gaming (both digital and tabletop); and contradictions. She games under the handle Punlandia (click here to learn more about the proud nation of Punlandia). She is not a brand.

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