This Friday kicks off THE SPOOKY SEASON! Introducing: I Was a Teenage Ghost Hunter: Camp Claiborne A 10-Part Story and Video Series Join me on a mini-autobiographical journey through my teen years poking the paranormal at an abandoned WWII military base in the middle of the Louisiana woods. YouTube Channel *
Month: November 2022
This collection of stories is, to the best of my knowledge, an accurate recollection of my experiences, as I experienced them at the time, and an accurate report on what I have been told by individuals known to me. Any divergences from what happened were either intentional changes made to protect
When I return to visit Louisiana, I like to make the time to stop in at Camp Claiborne, revisit the old stomping grounds. Over the years, it has changed. A lot. At some point, the state or military or some kind of authorities swept in. They said it was hazardous, that