I grew up reading books where kids jumped in lakes and rivers to swim. I also grew up in Louisiana with a bayou just beyond my back yard. I grew up with my parents constantly telling me not to jump in the bayou behind our house to swim, because it was

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This collection of stories is, to the best of my knowledge, an accurate recollection of my experiences, as I experienced them at the time, and an accurate report on what I have been told by individuals known to me. Any divergences from what happened were either intentional changes made to protect

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If the knowledge that I actually went out to adventure in Camp Claiborne on a Halloween night doesn’t make you question my sanity, then the story of what happened might. It’s a story that I don’t really like telling for that reason. If there hadn’t been another witness there…well, then I

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So there I was—about an hour left in the anniversary, in a five flan match (sweet, sweet 530% bloodpoint bonus), in a game where two teammates dc’ed on first hook, leaving me (death hook) and our fourth (no hooks, clearly team mvp) sitting on a mountain of points for chases, saves,

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Map showing interstate 81 cutting through Virginia, to West Virginia, and then Maryland

It happened one August. I was to drive from Louisiana up to New England for college, arriving early for orientation leader training and the like. Because of the way the timing worked out, one of my best friends was able to tag along for the road trip, have a short New

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