stack of books with titles referencing jokes in the piece

Hang around enough writers groups and creative writing classes, and you’ll come across history’s most emetic sandwich: the compliment sandwich. That overly prescriptive, insincere way of giving feedback in a praise-criticism-praise formula that leaked out of the corporate jargon vanity management book world and into the real world where it could

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I too am disorder, cappuccino machine

Writing routines can really be quite a double-edged sword. There’s the obvious good side: developing good habits (the *doing* the writing part being, of course, the most important), and using memory cues to help you jump back into your story efficiently. (On that note, just look at the old psychological studies

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a battledroid holds a pen while a cute cat pen bag wears a vintage robot necklace

With ChatGPT all over the news, everyone who loves juvenile humor is an honorary francophone. It turns out that, spoken aloud, “ChatGPT” sounds like “Chat j’ai pété,” which translates to “Cat, I farted.” This will likely be the greatest contribution that ChatGPT will make to society. I see all sorts of

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Welcome to Historic Camp Claiborne

This Friday kicks off THE SPOOKY SEASON! Introducing: I Was a Teenage Ghost Hunter: Camp Claiborne A 10-Part Story and Video Series Join me on a mini-autobiographical journey through my teen years poking the paranormal at an abandoned WWII military base in the middle of the Louisiana woods. YouTube Channel *

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This collection of stories is, to the best of my knowledge, an accurate recollection of my experiences, as I experienced them at the time, and an accurate report on what I have been told by individuals known to me. Any divergences from what happened were either intentional changes made to protect

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If the knowledge that I actually went out to adventure in Camp Claiborne on a Halloween night doesn’t make you question my sanity, then the story of what happened might. It’s a story that I don’t really like telling for that reason. If there hadn’t been another witness there…well, then I

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