The first time I encountered the “Two Kinds of Writers” trope was in college, when a creative writing class I was in decided to bond, literarily speaking , by mutually looking down on those talentless, soulless hacks who use such a gauche thing as an *outline* to write their formulaic dreck.
Month: January 2022
*I was looking through the notes app on my phone, and I found this. I only have the vaguest recollection of jotting it down, but can only assume that it was very important and 100% true and accurate. Do with this info what you may. It has been presented in its
As strange as it may seem, given how governed by whims I am, I like having a *reason* for everything I do. I’m not saying it has to be a good reason, but I like there to be a reason that’s solid (at least, solid by my own—admittedly twisted—standards). It is