So there I was—about an hour left in the anniversary, in a five flan match (sweet, sweet 530% bloodpoint bonus), in a game where two teammates dc’ed on first hook, leaving me (death hook) and our fourth (no hooks, clearly team mvp) sitting on a mountain of points for chases, saves, heals, generators, and the like. We had a real shot in what should have been a slaughter—somehow we were four gens deep, one to go. I was just finishing healing my teammate to full health so we could do the last generator, power the exit gate, and get out alive—BAM. MY CAT STEPPED ON MY COMPUTER’S POWER BUTTON.
My poor teammate didn’t get to full health state, and poor me missed out on All. Those. Bloodpoints.
So, uh, hi! No one has seen me in a couple of weeks because I was finally talked by friends into playing Dead By Daylight right before the big 6th anniversary event started, and I quickly got HOOKED! (That’s a megapun.)
Dead By Daylight (DBD), for those unfamiliar, is an asymmetrical co-op horror game. Basically, it’s a horror-themed, murder-packed game of 4v1 online freeze tag. For Lore Reasons™ there are trials where one killer (some game characters, other famous horror stars of movies, tv, and video games—e.g. Halloween’s Michael Myers, Stranger Things’s Demogorgon, and Silent Hill’s Pyramid Head) chases down a variety of survivor characters.
The survivors must repair five out of seven generators, power exit gates, and escape. The killer, when he catches a survivor, puts them on a big meathook to sacrifice them to the Entity (For Lore Reasons™). The first two times you’re on a hook, your teammates can pull you off and save you—after that, you’re deadzo. There’s more game mechanics than that (like an escape hatch that opens when there’s only one survivor left—but the killer can close it if the killer gets there first), but that’s the game in a nutshell.
So, for the past couple of weeks, my only friends who have gotten to spend quality time with me are those who play DBD (because you can Survive With Friends, and I spent a lot of time teaming up with them, using voice chat, and basically being a n00b being carried). (I also spent a fair amount of time by myself as Mikey Myers stalking people.)
It’s made me think seriously about doing some Twitch streaming of DBD (and Twitch streaming in general). (Twitch, for those not plugged into gaming online stuff, is a website where you can livestream your game play—and other stuff—for an audience. Like a Youtube livestream or FacebookLive, but optimized for gaming.) Because if I’m streaming when gaming, does that count as “being productive” (in “gaining an audience”)? And I wonder if I could be entertaining enough to stand out with my silly, not-very-good play among all of the talented DBD gamers already on Twitch.
But that also makes me think of the video files I have on my hard drive already, waiting to be edited and put on my gaming youtube channel. Oopsie. I’ve been meaning to do more Lego City videos (because my first and only gaming video was on it, and it did very well, so there’s demand), but then instead of playing more Lego City (think a G-rated, pun-filled Grand Theft Auto where everything is made of Lego bricks), I fell deep into a Roblox game (Tower Defense Simulator, TDS).
As soon as I stop being distracted, I have raw files to cut down for a TDS instructional video on fastest way to get good at it.
So, I guess you could say I’ve been so wrapped up in online gaming lately that I’ve really had my head in a *cloud* (get it? like cloud computing??)!
Which reminds me that I still need to finish designing my gaming identity’s website ( and finally upload all of the content I have written for it!
Regardless, let’s bring all this gaming talk back to books:
My brain has been in such a DBD space that I can’t get enough of it, so when I look for fiction to read, I want more with a DBD vibe! After taking a little peek at the internet’s DBD fanfiction offerings…
I quickly looked elsewhere and found this book!
Hopefully next week, after I get caught up on all of the real life things that I’ve been neglecting in favor of playing DBD, I plan on picking up Hide by Kiersten White. The summary sounds awesome, and I’ve really dug a ton of her other books. I have high expectations for it! Fingers crossed that it lives up to them, and I end up writing a review of it later!
(and hit me up if you want to play some DBD survive with friends! Or a private custom game!)